meeting tool application
This training guide give tutorial on Livinig Agenda methodology in Neuromap Meeting Tool. Move your organization's communication culture into the future.
step 1
Interactive Meeting Practice
This App is aimed to empower meeting practice with different instruments and tools, such as meeting collaborative agendas, meeting scenarios, scenarios editor, meeting tips for self-facilitation, meeting mature tool and many other.
Agregator for all meeting agendas in one place
Automatically constructed meeting list from all your scopes where you could easily get access to your meeting agenda, see actual meeting stage, see meeting scenario.
step 2
Managing all meetings in one list with details and status
After going to the service, you will see a list of available meetings. Select the desired meeting by clicking on the button "Go to the Metting Tool". Or you can create a new one if no meetings have been planned yet.
Tools for meeting scheduling and prepare process
For meeting creating App will help you to schedule the meeting by choosing in collaborative calendar, you could check members free time slots, App will automatically create Google or Microsoft calendar event and will send email or sms notification.
By choosing the meeting scenario App would put proper meeting template and initialize proper meeting facilitator tips for self-facilitating for the meeting members.
step 3
Create a new meeting
When creating a new meeting, you need to give it a name, method of procedure and the planned time for the beginning and end of the meeting. After entering the data, click on the button "Start a new meeting"
step 4
The meeting sends into the calendar for the participants
To all participants of the meeting, except those who are in the circle in the mode of observers, the invitation to their calendars Google or Microsoft Outlook is automatically sent.
Working in Living Agenda
If you already had an agenda in Google Doc, then you have to copy it to the inside of the Live Agenda in the Appendix, we recommend to clean the old agenda, in order to avoid confusion when entering into the poviet
step 5
Using Self-Facilitation Methodology Tips for meetings
While meeting being proceeding any from meeting members could use self-facilitation tips on his phone to check proper meeting flow or proper meeting process flow maturity.
Finish Meeting in Meeting Tool
Congratulations! You have completed the meeting in the Meeting tool. After passing through all the stages and solving all the issues, the system will offer to go to their team in Teal Constructor.
step 6
Check out meeting result in final meeting analytic screen
In the finishing of the meeting App would automatically construct proper meeting final screen where you could analyze ll meeting outcomes and achievements.
You have completed the study of the Meeting tool. Apply your knowledge in practice, proceed?
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