Product development framework

A unified corporate system for promoting initiatives from idea to profit
A framework is a tool that helps Product owner quickly move an initiative from idea to business effect and solve problems that arise at different stages of implementation
Quick PnL wins for short TTM, effect scaling
Framework allows you to quickly validate ideas and implement only those that can bring business value. Initiatives are consistently implemented through the stages of the framework, piloted, PnL is scaled
Effective cross-functional interaction
Framework is a single language for the functions of a corporation involved in working on products. Mutual understanding, rapid interaction is ensured through a system of artifacts, practices, knowledge
Blockers resolution in the promotion of initiatives
Framework model allows to resolve cross-functional blockers in the promotion of initiatives, transforming conflicts and misunderstandings into reaching agreements through a system of artifacts
A unified system for work on the product
Framework - a single "frame" to work on the product for all participants in the process, clearly and comprehensively describe it by stage in accordance with market standards and the specifics of the corporation
Scaling Product owners' expertise within the corporation
Framework, adapted to the specifics of the corporation, allows you to accumulate Product owners' expertise, accumulated in the promotion of initiatives and scale it across the corporation
Saving company resources
Clearly structured framework gives middle-product owners a tool for confident and high-quality work with the achievement of PnL and TTM without involvement of expensive specialists
Framework structure
Training for product development using the framework, adapting its market standard to the corporation, gives product team leaders and members a reliable, flexible, proven tool to work on a product step by step through the stages from Ideation (generation of initiatives) to Scale and Management
Systematizes the process of approvals, coordination of activities and communications within product development
Unifies the business activities of cross-functional product development teams
Unified role system
Unified practice system
Unified knowledge system
Coordinates the process of knowledge assessment and training of all stakeholders involved in the cross-functional process
Unified artifact system
Systematizes cross-functional activities of product development participants
Framework stages
A framework stage in which you will learn how to validate ideas and provide a rationale for implementing your activities.

Business Idea with Effects Assessment - Research Team List - Lean Canvas Model - Problem Hypothesis - Contract with Contractor - Lean Canvas Model
Framework will be useful for
Top management
You will learn how to apply a product approach to implement business strategy in a corporate portfolio, find and effectively allocate resources, decompose large projects into quick initiatives, manage risk, ensure project implementation and profit
Function managers
You will learn how to use product approach to implement initiatives aimed at specific KPI's, achieve "quick PnL wins". Find and train Product owners, who are able to move initiatives through the framework from idea to profit in a short period of time
  • The framework is an agile tool for managing different types of initiatives
  • Framework components: roles, artifacts, practices, knowledge, skills
  • Framework and its customization for corporation specifics
  • Agile addition of components to the framework
  • Framework as a tool for cross-functional interaction
  • Cases of large corporations developing products using the framework: mistakes, discoveries
Framework system
A unified framework for product development systematization functions on the basis of an agile digital platform. It includes continuous improvement of the framework, assessment of the quality of current products and team processes, and formation of a knowledge base, practices, and artifacts that allow for resource-saving and rapid scaling of product and digital expertise in the corporation.
Methodological materials for training and evaluation of digital teams
Visualization of the target model and unified system of business processes in digital development
Cross-functional knowledge base for the product development process
Framework for training product specialists
Expertise Center
Framework forms the basis of a corporate Expertise Center for product specialties (Product owner, scrum master, product developer, analyst, architect, data-scientist, etc.)
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About Neuromap
Neuromap specializes in digital and product transformation, product approach implementation, top management and in-house training. Diving deep into the client's problems, we personalize all programs and training materials to achieve measurable business results.
expert level
More than 30 senior level experts with 10+ years of experience in product approach implementation, digital transformation, product development, Digital Role Schools launch, tracking
Launch and support of Expertise Centers
15+ corporate universities based on the Expertise Center model with over 30 digital roles (Product Owner, Scrum Master, Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Architect, etc.)
Strategy and portfolio management: 10+ years of experience
20+ clients from the RBK 500, 10+ from the Forbes 200, 20+ portfolios, portfolio management initiatives from $2 to $50 million, result of +10% EBITDA in the first 3 years of digital transformation
Proprietary LXP platform
Teal.One's proprietary LXP platform for expertise scale and initiative portfolio management, used in large Russian and foreign companies
Launch of Product Owners and other roles schools
30+ schools of Top Managers, Product Owners, Scrum-masters, Data-analytics, Data Science. 500+ people trained. Over $100,000,000 effect on companies from trained employees
Framework for initiative management
TTM effect on initiatives due to framework implementation is reduced to 3-9 months. 30+ frameworks developed in industries: banking, industry, telecom, medicine, etc.
Companies working according to the same standards within the product management framework
Digital competency training
Practical content for those who want to learn about digital transformation and put new tools into practice.
Фреймворк - единый язык для различных функций корпорации
Product development framework
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