Expertise center

A system to retain, develop and build applied skills within the company.
Fast, high-quality training in product and digital specialties
What is an expertise center?
The Expertise center helps build up one of the corporation's main capitals - the applied skills of its employees. Specialist training is based on real rather than abstract training projects, takes into account the specifics of the corporation and is carried out with the help of internal experts, whose expertise is digitized into the target business role and then scaled up within the corporation. Training takes place without the regular involvement of expensive external experts. The problem of turnover of highly qualified specialists is solved.
The Expertise center solves the following problems
High cost of external training, no business effect
The company faces an inappropriate level of quality training from counterparties. It does not lead to business effects. There is no unified certification and assessment of corporate training in the market
External training does not take into account business specifics
Knowledge and skills acquired through training from external contractors have to be updated to fit the corporate context, it is difficult to apply them in real work
No digitization of the expertise of internal experts
The knowledge accumulated by internal experts is not digitized, employees' access to one of the corporation's most valuable assets, i.e., internal expertise, is limited
A shortage of digital and product specialists
It is difficult for a company to organize fast and high-quality training of specialists in new (digital, product) competencies, the classical educational model does not solve the problem
Outflow of top-notch professionals from the company
Employees who have reached a high level of competence, senior, "hit the ceiling" - they can not realize themselves in the corporation, they become bored solving routine tasks, and they leave the company
Scaling the expertise: no tool
Internal experts have no motivation to pass on expertise, no understanding of how to do it. Cross-functional interaction is ineffective because of different levels of expertise
Solving the problem of attracting and turnover of experts
Usually along with the resignation of the cool expert goes not the market expertise, but the most expensive in-house expertise. Its cost is the amount of time spent by the expert on implementation in the corporation, which takes approximately 1.5 years.

In the case of an external high-class expert, it takes at least half a year to adapt his or her expertise to the specifics of the corporation so that it can bring a business effect.
Stage 1: Formation of the target model of the center of expertise
  • Business roles for the pilot were selected.
  • Selection of candidates in experts for the selected roles was carried out.
  • Formed and coordinated the "Principle of selection of practitioners" in the Expertise centers
  • Selection event for practitioners held
  • All pilot participants are immersed in the "Peer-to-peer" model of transferring expertise within the corporation
Stage 2: Developing a profile for each role with the required skills and competencies
  • Profiles have been developed for each role selected in the first phase with the required skills and competencies
  • Described key blocks for each role: processes, knowledge, artifacts (from 6-10)
  • Developed task pilots for each described artifact (2-3 tasks for each)
  • The skill of transferring expertise in the expertise center around a specific artifact from the profile of the selected role by experts, with the participation of practitioners on peer-to-peer model has been formed.
Stage 3: Training of practitioners by experts on the business role model
  • Conducted 4 independent educational events by experts for practitioners.
  • Each expert can independently develop a role profile, describe blocks with key: processes, knowledge, artifacts and cases.
Stage 4: Formation of a peer-to-peer model between practitioners.
  • Practitioners have conducted 4 activities with each other (practitioners gain the skill of transferring expertise independently to other practitioners).
  • Practitioners have developed the skill of transferring expertise in the center of expertise around a specific artifact from the profile of the chosen role by experts, with the participation of tutors on the peer-to-peer model.
Community of practice
Regular exchange of practitioners, suitable training in the Expertise Center, cases, insights, mistakes, and updating the knowledge base on the educational platform
Adaptation of external expertise, company-specific training
The result of business role training that takes into account market standards and company specifics - ready-to-go experts. Expertise is digitized and updated
Reduced training costs - thanks to in-house experts
It is no longer necessary to regularly involve expensive specialists and trainers. Part of the educational activity is transferred to digitized and trained in-house experts
Solving the problem of turnover of top-notch experts
from the company
Internal experts are motivated by digitizing and transferring expertise in the form of educational products. Expertise is enriched and stays in the company
Quick training in digital, product competencies
The artifact model of training and adaptation to constant change provides fast, quality training, onboarding, internships and assessments
Scaling expertise within the corporation
Experienced internal experts (senior) transfer expertise to less experienced employees (middle, junior). They get access to internal experts through the expertise service
Increasing the efficiency of cross-functional interaction
Misunderstandings between functions are easily resolved through a system of artifacts, practices, knowledge, and roles that provide a common understanding of product processes
Transition from external training contractors to internal experts
Training in the Expertise Center is not about studying content from a cool external expert and doing assignments that are abstracted from the specifics of the business and do not guarantee the learning effect, but training practitioners with the help of internal experts on real projects for a business role that describes exactly the kind of specialist the corporation needs
Expertise Center
Service Ecosystem
The Expertise Center model includes an ecosystem of services tailored to the corporation's needs. Any of them can be added to the corporate Expertise Center at any time.
Neuromap expert supervision
Supervision by Neuromap experts helps the company to successfully launch a corporate Expertise Center and build an effective process of its operation, adapting it to the specifics and needs of the company and ensuring effective functioning of the roles (Director of the Expertise Center, tutors, trackers, experts)
Tutors are employees of the Expertise center who have a high level of empathy. They motivate practitioners to go through the educational trajectory, help to understand all the questions that arise, ensure the success of interaction with experts and trackers
Trackers accompany a practitioner's initiative from idea generation to revenue generation. They are responsible for accelerating TTM initiatives and obtaining PnL. Trackers help the practitioner focus on what's important and overcome blockers in moving the initiative forward
External experts
External experts bring expertise on various artifacts to the company, which, as the educational trajectory to the business role progresses, they learn how to create practices. They conduct educational group sessions, individual and group sessions of expertise
Corporate framework
A unified cross-functional system for initiative management, Product owner tool, allows you to quickly get PnL in a short TTM. Developed on the triple Artifacts-Practices-Knowledge model, includes a system of roles, takes into account market standards and corporate specifics
Community of practice
A Community of Practice with a strong culture of communication and cooperation emerges in the corporation. Regular exchanges of experience, knowledge, insights, insights and discoveries help raise the overall level of expertise within the corporation, increase team productivity, and improve business performance. Educational Platform
  • Role-based learning
    • Business role training: Ability to construct a business role (an image of a training result, a ready-made specialist) for a company, a specific department, segment, subdivision from the business role constructor and prepare practitioners for it
    • The triple model: artifacts, practices, knowledge to digitize a business role
    • Skill&Competences: Consistent mastering of the skills of a business role, digitized in its profile, through the creation of appropriate artifacts and their expertise

  • Current methodologies
    • Problem/project based learning: practitioners work on a specific problem/project rather than just getting content
    • Life-long learning: professional and personal lifelong learning
    • UGC: content is not created solely by the expert, but by the participants themselves
    • Micro Courses: Component-based learning based on the LEGO model (Edtech)
    • Blended learning: combinations of online and offline
  • Educational trajectory
    • Agile educational trajectory: building a variable educational trajectory for different groups of practitioners, taking into account the specifics of teams and units
    • Educational graph: visualization of the entire educational trajectory in the form of an interactive educational map
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About Neuromap

Neuromap specializes in digital and product transformation, product approach implementation, top management and in-house training. Diving deep into the client's problems, we personalize all programs and training materials to achieve measurable business results.
expert level
More than 30 senior level experts with 10+ years of experience in product approach implementation, digital transformation, product development, Digital Role Schools launch, tracking
Launch and support of Expertise Centers
15+ corporate universities based on the Expertise Center model with over 30 digital roles (Product Owner, Scrum Master, Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Architect, etc.)
Strategy and portfolio management: 10+ years of experience
20+ clients from the RBK 500, 10+ from the Forbes 200, 20+ portfolios, portfolio management initiatives from $2 to $50 million, result of +10% EBITDA in the first 3 years of digital transformation
Proprietary LXP platform
Teal.One's proprietary LXP platform for expertise scale and initiative portfolio management, used in large Russian and foreign companies
Launch of Product Owners and other roles schools
30+ schools of Top Managers, Product Owners, Scrum-masters, Data-analytics, Data Science. 500+ people trained. Over $100,000,000 effect on companies from trained employees
Framework for initiative management
TTM effect on initiatives due to framework implementation is reduced to 3-9 months. 30+ frameworks developed in industries: banking, industry, telecom, medicine, etc.
Digital competency training
Do you need practical content on digital transformation, product development, recommendations on how to put new tools into practice?
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