Neuromap Platform and Services
Convert MOOCs to Online Games in one day?
Neuromap Company presents a wonderful opportunity to quickly and effectively increase sales, average check, as well as efficiency and retention of your online courses through the use of gamification platform, Chatbot and artificial intelligence.
gamification EDUCATION
Engagement & Retention
Develop online course in the form of the game is already possible in a few days, thanks to the online editor, you can upload your training videos, tasks, and set up a virtual teacher, homework checking algorithm, game rules and other settings and additional services and functionality
The possibilities of online courses in the form of the game
Neuromep software platform was created in order to build strong and self-developing community-based educational activities
Be one of the students and graduates online community
ELearning a game is designed so that at each time the user sees the activities of other users and can interact with them, do networking and matching. Unique methodology of community building using ChatBot and artificial intelligence
Play and learn anywhere from 20 minutes a day
Special edutainment methodology allows to combine education and entertainment, at the same time sharing the educational content into small portions for maximum efficiency of mastering. Such portiition makes available very deep and powerfull analytics methods and technology.
Video content and instructions are divided into small steps games
The structure of the training course follows the structure of online games, and the structure of each lesson becomes a game with different steps and interactive video virtual assistant, accompanying the student
Delegate feedback to users on the chat-bot, and other services
Online course format in the form of games, not only increases the motivation for the students, but also provides powerful software tools for the teacher, trainer, speaker, such as:
1) ChatBot for automatic replies to users
2) Performance table Service for instructors where you can comfortably and functionally control the development of thousand of students simultaneously
3) The Service of automatic notifications of students responded to their educational process
4) the ability to develop the tutors of his disciples, to the delegation of the teacher and the release time
5) Service for peer-to-peer grading by unique methodology and model from Neuromap.
"It is not in the format of the game, and in the change of the paradigm of human perception of information in our time.
The man simply oversaturated with information, it is not necessary yet, it is not enough attention and memory.
Those who still make the information educational products simply lose money, but that they know, when faced with the problem of retention and efficiency of students .. "
Secret of Neuromep products that we convert the information products paradigminto instructional product paradigm, which is why so quickly and so effectively we could transform MOOC and Online Courses. We "know how" to translate video, manuals, instructional books, we "know how" to produce cheap and fast, customize deep and individualy, launch and integrate technology, methodolgy into the real operational processes for hundreds of thousands of people. Soon it learns all the educational market, but so far there is sufficient time to be the first, and that means time to use a competitive advantage. Interesting?
Get free consulting by experts
Before making any decision make in the expert of our company, as well as the relevance of solutions precisely for your situation and goals of the project. We hold fast to objectively audit materials and educational model, and offer you a solution, even if it takes you away from us. We are confident that you will sooner or later return to us as a best experts in educational products market.
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More complex services and Neyromed solutions for large projects
Look at the big cases 2015/2016
Educational Ecosystems Development with Online Accelerators, Virtual offices and other complex solutions
As an example, we present the main experts Neyromep developed eco-system for online business owners Internet Development Initiatives Fund, which was made during the 2015/2016 year commissioned a marketing director Internet Initiatives Development Fund.

In this case in 2015, it all began with the standard online course in the format of online games, translated by us one week to the new format. And on the basis of a new format for a year, we connect all possible in our functional platform services.
The basis of the educational component of offline and online educational solutions formed such technologies, as a technology project-oriented Neuromap Project Oriented Learning (POL) and learning based on solving urgent problems Neuromap Problem Based Learing (PBL), which is an alternative solution to the lack of time on the need to study, attend lectures and master classes, receive general knowledge and develop, to do networking, in a situation when all the startup time is spent on a practical solution to the project development tasks and solutions of urgent operational problems.

Speech Neuromed founder of the Forum on Internet Global Entrepreneurship 2016
Description of the eco-system for entrepreneurs available for 167 universities in a special program Internet Initiatives Development Fund in 2016 in cooperation with the company Neyromep more than a hundred teachers conduct their classes on the basis of our platform and our solutions
Service Road Maps for the gamification of education online courses
Our goal to develop the virtual space, to come up with rules for their use, gamification, architecture, structure and functionality.
For this we have a tool that is used as produktologami Neyromep and teachers, and by the users themselves.
The video description service roadmap for online course Mooc "Internet enterprise" made for Internet Initiatives Development Fund in the form of the game to interact with teachers and users

Roadmap for training course
Types Traction cards:
1) Roadmap / Road maps
2) Individual Learning Track / Individual routes
3) Gamification Map / Game field
3) Generation League / generational card
4) Virtual Learning World / Virtual space for learning
New Blended Format for EdTech - Neuromap Questinars
Format is used as a single structure of all possible actions the novice internet entrepreneurs grouped into specific areas and topics, and broken down into smaller steps and small jobs for project activities, broken down into modular units media videogallerei, tasks block, block bonuses and additional function blocks.

Service "Questinars" - New Educational Object Types used by Service
Training teachers for Internet Development Fund Initiatives Sophisticated solutions for the construction of eco-systems, and education and special projects of internal and external training.
We have very powerfuill solution for Blended Integration to Events, as a system based on Crowdsourcing Model for supporting offline events, whether forum, conference, discussion, meeting of experts, a promotion
This is possible thanks to a special system Neuromap Blended Events System, which allows to carry out offline activities on the basis of which it is possible to visit the online version of these events.
The main case in this area for our company - crowdsourcing system institu- development of the Internet made by us in 2016 to the Forum "Internet + Education" for National Institute for the Internet Development

Using the Neuromap platfrom, services, methodology for Blended Integration to the National Institute for the Internet Development as a Crowdsourcing system for professional experts community.

Using crowdsourcing platform solutions for the expert community of the Internet Development Institute in constructing the virtual space of augmented reality for offline events
Using Neyromed Institute for Internet Development
Speech Roman Rabinovich, the founder and a leading expert company Neuromap
Ask for full educational audit of your project for Blended integrations
Check your decision on the choice of educational models, business models, educational formats, quality educational videos, product line, the possibility of integratsatsii based on your content solutions such as educational eco-system, online and offline accelerators, mobile educational games and many other things that we have in the arsenal, and that we choose based on your individual situation.
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